Our nanosatellite ROBUSTA-3A will fly on Ariane6
Look who’s on the list of the first to fly on Ariane6!
ROBUSTA-3A, CSUM‘s first 3U CubSat, will be the only French university representative on the flight!
This research and development project, led by engineers and interns at the CSUM for almost 10 years, and its main mission, the Mediterranean, are now ready.
All this has been made possible thanks to funding from the FVA, which acted as seed money and took the risk of fully funding the innovation at the outset, then co-financing the program, notably alongside CNES, which provided technical and financial support for the project as part of NanolabAcademy.
Since 2013, the FVA has supported the approximately 1.5 million euros project, which has funded more than 160 student internships, 3 thesis, 5 post-doctorates, 16 supervising engineers and equipment. The technology developed is 100% owned by the University of Montpellier. 7 CubeSat 1U have already been successfully launched by the CSUM.