Degree in integrated assembly and testing (licence pro)

Bachelor’s degree closed this year.

Space enhances our knowledge of our planet and our daily lives:
communications, monitoring for environmental/military/scientific/humanitarian purposes, and of weather, agriculture, urban planning…


Brochure licence pro AIT

The aim of this professional degree is to train senior technicians who will master the assembly, integration, functional testing and environmental procedures used in the space industry.

Graduates will join a project team that may work on the assembly or qualification of a satellite, a launch vehicle or a ground segment, in a large group, for an equipment manufacturer or in a space agency.


• Senior position, engineer, middle manager or technician
• In technical departments: mission analysis, thermal and radiation analysis, mechanical design, manufacturing, electronics, energy, IT, embedded systems, functional testing, bench testing, environmental testing, thermal and mechanical vacuum, high frequency radio, ground operations.
• In project management
• In quality control: project supervision, product certification, procurement, stock management
• But also in the legal, medical and biological fields