CSUM’s presentation in senegal

Laurent Dusseau, Director of CSUM and Muriel Bernard, Director of Quality, Valuation & Launchers were in Senegal to present the CSUM and the Senegalese space program with Michel Pavageau, Advisor to the MESRI of Senegal and Gayane Faye, Coordinator of the SENSAT space program.

We warmly thank:

  • H.E.M. Philippe Lalliot, French Ambassador to Senegal and to Mr. Matthieu FAU-NOUGARET, Scientific and Academic Cooperation Attaché at the French Embassy in Senegal;
  • Pr. Moussa Balde, Minister of Higher Education of Senegal;
  • Mandialy Bodian, LAMINE BARA MBACKE and Alassane NDOYE for welcoming our team to the premises of ARTP Senegal (Telecommunications and Postal Regulatory Authority), very involved in the declaration of frequencies of the first Senegalese satellite to the International Telecommunications Union;
  • The management of the Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique de Dakar, where 7 of the 10 Senegalese technicians and engineers trained by the CSUM came from;
  • As well as all the local professionals and institutions who received the team!